Protect Your Website From Bot Attacks.
Every day, thousands of bots are attacking WordPress websites; you’ll hear that from any security expert. Hackers have automated their attacks using programmed bots, and unprotected sites are no match for the sheer number of vulnerabilities that exist in various WordPress plugins or themes.
We protect your website by proactively hardening security, backing everything up, keeping your site updated daily, and we fix any update issues for you. Bots can’t get in, and your website is fully protected – with hack repair included if anything does affect your site.
Site owners need to know that without a professional maintenance plan, they are responsible for detecting and fixing any WordPress issues. With our WP maintenance, there are no worries!
Maintenance plan pricing starts at just $50 per month and includes a monthly PDF report of all maintenance, scanning, and backup activity, as well as visitor, uptime, search engine ranking, and performance analytics!
View an example report by clicking on the thumbnail.
We also offer content edit hours as an add-on to any plan, with 1, 3, 5, or 8 hours available every month for us to handle updating your website content, editing pages, adding blog posts, etc. See our plans for content edit hours pricing that start at just $40 per month additional.

Complete Security Protection
- Daily WP Core, Plugin & Theme Updates
- Daily Malware and Blacklist Scans
- Daily Vulnerability Scans
- Daily Secured Off-Server Backups

Free Hack Repair Included
- Free Hack Repair & Malware Cleanout
- Blacklist Repair & Delisting
- Changing Passwords
- File-level Checksum Validation

Website Optimizations Included
- On-Site Performance Optimizations
- Custom Content Delivery Optimization
- Uptime Monitoring and Alerting
- Performance Monitoring

Protect Your Website
Worry-free WordPress Is Here.
With bots attacking day and night, you can’t go two or three days without updating your plugins, and the core WordPress platform, and your themes. Every day plugins are updated, mostly to fix security holes discovered the hard way, or bugs that prevent it from continuing to work. Plugin vulnerabilities are so common, it’s the #1 way sites get hacked. Don’t let that happen to you. We update everything before attacks can happen, and block attacks that are awaiting updates.
If any update breaks the website, we fix it right away, either by rolling back updates, or restoring from our backups.
Trust The Experts
We Stop The Malware.
We Fix Failed Updates.
We manage hundreds of websites, with many years of experience, and we’re experts in security hardening and malware prevention. Leave your site in our care, and let us protect your website today.

Malware Protection With Free Repair
Malware can’t gain access after we’ve secured your website. But weak passwords, phishing, etc. could still lead to malware bot infections. If that happens, we will repair and clean your website completely, for free, and help reset all passwords.

We Harden All Security Layers
We protect the network, the server, and the application layers with firewalls, attack detection and blocking, and website request inspections.

We Shield WordPress From Attacks
Our layers of security prevent attacks from reaching your website, and keeping everything backed up, updated, and audited daily ensures your website remains safe and protected at all times.
Reduce Risk
Our Approach to WordPress Security.

Security Auditing and Alerting
Our systems are constantly monitoring, auditing, detecting, alerting, and reporting on all of the vital pieces that make up a WordPress website. We’re alerted to any issues, and the website is usually recovered before you’re even aware.
Managed Website Recovery
We know how to repair sites from failed updates, fatal errors, and we can restore sites instantly from the most recent backup. No need to panic, we’ve done this before. You can enjoy the peace of mind.

Contact Support
We know how to repair sites from fatal errors, and restore sites instantly from the most recent backup. No need to panic, we’ve done this many times before. You can enjoy the peace of mind.
Get Started
We’re experts in website security hardening and malware prevention. Leave your site in our care, and let us protect your website from the attack bots today.